Fallout Performance at Ogopogo!


On June 6 I’ll be performing a multimedia piece with my co-conspirator Edward Wolcher at Ogopogo at the Pocket Theater. Ogopogo is kind of a mixed genre mash-up of poetry/prose/mixed media/theater put together by the good folks over at Babel Salvage.

I’ll be projecting my film from my interactive website Fallout, the story of two atomic bombs were exploded at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands in the summer of 1946, and a group of scientists at the University of Washington that came to the island to measure radiation a year later.

I’ll be reading texts from a diary of a scientist who lead the research project, and Edward will be playing music to go with it all!

A little more about Babel Salvage:

Babel/Salvage is an engine for artistic and literary ingenuity and community involvement in Seattle. Focusing on new work, we seek to promote creative outsiders, experimenters, innovators and interdisciplinary savants from all walks of life.

Tickets are here: http://bit.ly/ogoPogo